marți, 10 noiembrie 2009

When it's dark enough, you can see the stars.

Am aflat recent despre un clip care m-a pus pe ganduri, ca voluntar al crucii rosii romane ma simt indatorat oamenilor in nevoie, dar pana unde?? Pana la ce punct sa te dedici, asta este o problema care si-o pun toti voluntarii. Da este frumos este bine sa ajuti, chiar daca nu primesti nimic in schimb, si daca, cateodata se arunca cu sticle in tine, se scuipa seminte sau sau chia injurii de genul " dar noi pt ce va platim, sunteti incompetenti". Mai noi am aflat asta:

"The Australian TV network, ABC, and the indigenous rights group, Friends of Peoples Close to Nature, released a documentary called Blood on the Cross that raises allegations of the involvement of the Red Cross with the British military in conducting a massacre in the Southern Highlands of West Papua. Mark Davis investigates allegations about the role of the International Red Cross and the British military regarding the WWF hostages crisis, in May 1996.[10][11] Following the broadcast of the documentary, the Red Cross announced publicly that it would appoint an individual outside the organization to investigate the allegations made in the film and any responsibility on its part. The report contends that it's not clear to which degree the Red Cross was involved, with some of the criticism concerning how well did the organization handle the crisis.[12]
The ICRC is exempt from giving testimony in war crimes trials about the facts they observed while performing their duties. Because of this some critics[who?] argue ICRC is sometimes denying justice to victims of war crimes and enabling impunity for war crimes. " (

Eu nu am vazut inca acest documentar dar as dori mult sa il vad. Este greu sa vorbesti despre voluntari ca au refuzat sa actioneze asupra unei situatii, dar trebuie sa gandesca si din perspectiva lor... oameni simpli, nefiind remunerati pentru ceea ce fac, ci doar din convingere proprie, fiind oameni se sperie, sunt ei insasi victime ale conflictului , incercand sa ajute ajung trasi in valtoarea de ura si neputinta , la urma temandu-se pentru viata lor. We are simple people who want to go home.

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